Photography For All Occasions - Madison,
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Featuring Sky Diving Photos From
And Other Areas
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I am available to professionally photograph you sports event
or team players. Jim's Photos, LLC specializes in on-location photography, especially
sports or team events! Weather it be Skydiving, Football, Basketball,
Hockey, Swimming, Diving, Baseball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Polo, Water Skiing,
I can do it all. What about that special team or group photograph
or all the individual members of the team?
All events are photographed by Jim's Photos unless otherwise noted.
Select the event you are interested in.
If you would like a specific event
posted, click on the icon next to the event you are interested in. I will try to give that
event priority.
Events with an * (astrek) are partial postings with more to come. Photos are subject to availability. Prints are for sale.
= Coming Soon | = Video Available | = Photos Posted | [d] = Downloads | * = Partial Listing | = New Photos Posted
2015 Skydive Photos
Skydive - Lauren Savidusky - 07-11-15 * [d] | Skydive - Brittney Pride 07-12-15 * [d] 
Skydive - Other - 07-11-15 | Skydive - Other 07-12-15 

Seven Hills Skydivers
Seven Hills Skydivers, Inc - 7530 Hwy 73, Marshall, WI 53559 -
(608) 244-5252

Sky Divers at Seven Hills from the July 11, 2015 session
 Seven Hills Skydivers is a not-for-profit, all volunteer, member owned and operated club. Located near Marshall, WI only 30 minutes from downtown Madison! Seven Hills Skydivers is a professional 1st jump training and skydiving orginization and we have USPA group members and instructors.
The club is open to beginners and experienced skydivers. In business to promote skydiving and introduce people to the sport by training students and performing demo jumps, we have been in existence since 1962 - over 49 years! Safety is our main priority and our record is second to none! The home of World Record holders, National Champions, the Rhythm and Booms Demo Team, and the Univ of WI Badger Skydivers, the club is located about 15 minutes past East Towne Mall, just outside Madison, WI.
We are a Group Member in good standing with the United States Parachute Association (USPA) and use only USPA licensed instructors and coaches. Seven Hills Skydivers utilizes modern, state of the art skydiving equipment:
- Ram Air (square) parachutes that actually glide for slow descents and soft landings.
- Automatic Activation Devices (AAD), in the unlikely event that your reserve parachute must be used.
- Helmet, goggles, jumpsuit, altimeter, and radio enable us to help you fly the parachute and make a safe, soft landing.
- Two Cessna 182 aircraft, both flown by commercially licensed pilots.
We will make your first jump a safe and exciting adventure. There is absolutely nothing like the feeling you get when you make your first skydive! Skydiving is more than jumping out of an airplane. It’s stepping out into a different world, a world of human flight, where you can actually FLY! Try it once and you will never be the same! Whenever you look skyward, you’ll want to be up there. Come jump with people that do it for the love of the sport! Go for it!
Blue Skies!!
Skydive Training, Tandem Instruction, General Skydiving, IAD Solo Skydive Training
Photos is able to print any photo for you. Throughout this website,
there are thousands of photos posted.
Use the link below to see my photo ordering system used for viewing photos and ordering prints and other neat stuff. You will be taken to the thumbnail
indexes for thousands of photos. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger version
of the photo you are interested in. Use the "Buy" button to purchase the photos. You will be given many options to choose from. All photos are high resolution suitable for printing and framing. Large poster prints are available for most images. High quality Prints as well as individual high resolution digital image downloads are available. If you have a discount coupon code, use that during the checkout process.
All events are photographed by Jim's Photos unless noted.
Select the event you are interested.
All schedules are tentative and subject
to change. Photos are subject to availability. Prints are for sale.
= Coming Soon | = Video Available | = Photos Posted | [d] = Downloads | * = Partial Listing | = New Photos Posted
Note: Jim's Photos is not affiliated with any
school, team, group, club or organization and
no compensation
from them. Photo orders are appreciated!
You Can Crop & Edit Any Photo
The photos in our galleries are original in size and resolution. You can crop and fit the image to the print size you prefer. After choosing your photos, place them in your shopping cart. There is a cropping tool for you to use. Click on the Adjust button. Drag the corner handles to crop or adjust for best fit. If you require special photo editing, please e-mail us with your request or call 608-663-3500.
We try to capture as many games and events as we can and we have photos for all events that are listed, however we
don't always get them all posted right away.
If you would like a specific event
posted, click on the icon next to the event you are interested in. We will try to give that event priority.
Jim's Photos
can make available to you a bulk 'Digital Download' option for any event listed on my site. The bulk Digital Download option would be available for all photos from a specific event and available to everyone who views that event. There will be a ‘Download Image’ button next to the photos of interest. Additionally, any event can be password protected. This way, interested persons can download photos and make any number of prints on their own. With the bulk Digital Download option, any interested persons can make unlimited prints on their own. There is a one time fee that buys the bulk Digital Download option for everyone who accesses that event. Normal print options will still be available and any applicable team or club discount will be available as well. The bulk Digital Download pricing varies considerably depending on the number of image downloads available. Please inquire about pricing.
** Ask about Team/Group Discounts Coupon Codes **
You can buy other items on-line using your credit card! Click to learn more.
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Click the box above while using your Mobile Device to download the Jim's Photos Smart Phone App
Introductory Offer: For a limited time, you can get 1 "Individual
Portrait" photo done for free!
No session fee, no strings attached. Please e-mail me for details
and to schedule a time that is convenient for you.
All photos on this web site have been reduced
for web site viewing. Actual prints are full photographic quality. All are high resolution photos that are suitable for printing and framing which can be ordered by following the instructions above. Large poster prints are available for most images. Any information appearing
on the photo (watermarks) will not be present on your prints. Note: Jim's Photos is not affiliated with any team, group,
club or organization and receives no compensation from them for his work. Photo
orders are appreciated! All photographs and content of website contained herein are
the exclusive property of Jim's Photos and may not be used or
reproduced in any manner without permission.
Jim's Photos
whatever kind of photography you are interested in, whether it be Portraits,
Sports, School, Concerts, Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays, Family Groups
or Events, Modeling, Holiday, Real Estate, Construction Work,
Trains / Boats, Industrial / Commercial, Advertising, Outdoor, Indoor,
or just about anything you want,
I can do it all!
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Form" here.
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