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A Word About Safety
Anyone who picks up a camera can call himself a photographer, but that doesn't mean they are someone to whom you should trust with your modeling future. In the modeling industry, you should only work with those who are professionals, people who can provide good quality work for your portfolio. With a little know-how, you'll be able to recognize a legitimate, reputable photographer.
Your safety should be your utmost concern. In today's world you can never be sure who the bad guys are. There are great social media and other web sites set up for Models, HMUA's and Photographers to network. While these can be great resources for getting professional photos, be aware these could invite trouble. Be careful just like you would on any other social media site. Its a good idea to bring a friend or relative along with you to the session. The photographer won't mind as long as they don't get in the way. Also, let someone you know where you are going and what time you plan to be back. Its OK to check in with them during the session.
Add the term "GWC" to your modeling industry terminology. GWC stands for "Guy With Camera." Simply put, a GWC is a guy who has a camera and thinks he is qualified to shoot models. Most often, the GWC has no experience or practical training and simply contacts young and naive aspiring models in order to take pictures. They can be manipulative, only wanting to get photos they want and are not at all interested in helping models get professional looking photos. Below are some tips that can help you spot a GWC, preventing you from dealing with unnecessary drama and placing yourself in compromising situations.
1) Beware of photographers that specifically ask for young models with no experience. The photographer may be looking for fresh faces but if he doesn't have a solid portfolio and list of past clients, he could just be looking for naive girls to shoot who don't know any better.
2) Ask for a link to the photographer's work/portfolio. Every professional photographer will have one. This will be a significant factor in distinguishing a true photographer from a GWC. You want a photographer who has experience shooting models with a look and style that you like. Caution yourself against photographers who have photos that are not up to your standards. Chances are, GWC photographers will have unprofessional, bad quality photos posted. Look for things like bad lighting, poor composition, low resolution/ graininess, etc. If his portfolio is really poor quality or if he doesn't even have a portfolio at all to show, move on! Even if you aren't a photography expert, it is very easy to tell good photography from bad photography.
3) Be up front and don't be afraid or timid to ask for what you want. Many GWC photographers are on the lookout for new models who are eager to get started in the modeling industry. Always be aware of people who will immediately overflow you with compliments and use conversation or comments not related to the photo session. GWC's may ask you out to dinner or want to go for a drink before or after the session.
4) Pay close attention to GWC photographers that post tags on other model's profiles that are inappropriate like "I miss you," or "When are you going out with me?" They often like to harass models who they want to work with or have worked with in the past and often post inappropriate comments on their page. This is a red flag that they are not professional.
5) Ask to see a list of clients the photographer has worked with and names of models they can use as references. If the photographer in question is hesitant to provide such information or gets irritated, angry or upset, this is not someone you should not be working with.
Be careful. Realize that just because someone has a camera does not automatically qualify them as a pro photographer! Network wisely and check anyone interested in shooting with you.
Always follow your first mind and use common sense when confronted with new photographer/photoshoot situations. If you feel that something is not quite right, don't ignore your instincts. Here is a checklist you can use to help you decide what photographer to work with. Always put your safety first.
Photographer Check List
Use the following checklist as a guide when choosing a photographer for your portrait, team/club or event photography session. Make sure you are choosing a photographer that will meet your needs and budget.
__ Does the photographer operate as a business or is it a personal hobby?
.....Look to see if the business is Incorporated or run as a Limited Liability Company
__ Does the photographer have a legitimate web site other than Facebook?
__ Is good location and contact information easily found on photographer’s website?
__ Is the information on the website organized and easy to follow?
__ Are there links to clear examples of photographer’s work?
__ Are the photos of good quality and properly watermarked with the company name?
__ Is there evidence that the photographer has been doing this a while?
__ Did they 'friend' you on Facebook without reservation?
__ Does the photographer communicate regularly with you?
__ Does the photographer follow up and answer all your questions?
__ Does the photographer take into consideration your concerns and what you want?
__ Are things like time frames, themes, compensation and goals clearly discussed?
__ Is what the photographer wants you to do both reasonable and with purpose?
__ Does the photographer have a release on company letterhead for you to sign?
__ Look for evidence that the photographer is professional and dedicated to their work.
Photos is able to print any photo for you. Throughout this website,
there are thousands of photos posted.
Use the link below to see my photo ordering system used for viewing photos and ordering prints and other neat stuff. You will be taken to the thumbnail
indexes for thousands of photos. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger version
of the photo you are interested in. Use the "Buy" button to purchase the photos. You will be given many options to choose from. All photos are high resolution suitable for printing and framing. Large poster prints are available for most images. High quality Prints as well as individual high resolution digital image downloads are available. If you have a discount coupon code, use that during the checkout process.
** Ask about Team/Group Discounts Coupon Codes **
All events are photographed by Jim's Photos, LLC unless noted.
Select the event you are interested.
All schedules are tentative and subject to change. Photos are subject to availability. Prints are for sale.
= Coming Soon | = Video Available | = Photos Available | [d] = downloads | * = Partial Listing | = New Photos Posted
Note: Jim's Photos is not affiliated with any
school, team, group, club or organization and
no compensation
from them. Photo orders are appreciated!
We know you are out there working hard on the field, court, track or in the water. We are working just as hard on the sidelines to get that perfect action shot. Jim's Photos uses the highest quality digital photography equipment on the market and is always looking to stay ahead of the technology.
No matter what size photo you want, our 'View & Print' photo site offers you the most options for your individual needs. In addition to photos, we offer many other fun and exciting products. These products can make great gift items. Click on the merchandise tab to make your selection.
You Can Crop & Edit Any Photo
The photos in our galleries are original in size and resolution. You can crop and fit the image to the print size you prefer. After choosing your photos, place them in your shopping cart. There is a cropping tool for you to use. Click on the Adjust button. Drag the corner handles to crop or adjust for best fit. If you require special photo editing, please e-mail us with your request or call 608-663-3500.
We try to capture as many games and events as we can and we have photos for all events that are listed, however we
don't always get them all posted right away.
If you would like a specific event
posted, click on the icon next to the event you are interested in. We will try to give that event priority.
You can buy other items on-line using your credit card! Click to learn more.
Jim's Photos
can make available to you a bulk 'Digital Download' option for any event listed on my site. The bulk Digital Download option would be available for all photos from a specific event and available to everyone who views that event. There will be a ‘Download Image’ button next to the photos of interest. Additionally, any event can be password protected. This way, interested persons can download photos and make any number of prints on their own. With the bulk Digital Download option, any interested persons can make unlimited prints on their own. There is a one time fee that buys the bulk Digital Download option for everyone who accesses that event. Normal print options will still be available and any applicable team or club discount will be available as well. The bulk Digital Download pricing varies considerably depending on the number of image downloads available. Please inquire about pricing.
For a great meal before or after the game, its Dahmen's Pizza Place. Check it out! **
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Introductory Offer: For a limited time, you can get 1 "Individual
Portrait" photo done for free!
No session fee, no strings attached. Please e-mail me for details
and to schedule a time that is convenient for you.
All photos on this web site have been reduced
for web site viewing. Actual prints are full photographic quality. All are high resolution photos that are suitable for printing and framing which can be ordered by following the instructions above. Large poster prints are available for most images. Any information appearing
on the photo (watermarks) will not be present on your prints. Note: Jim's Photos, LLC is not affiliated with any team, group,
club or organization and receives no compensation from them for his work. Photo
orders are appreciated! All photographs and content of website contained herein are
the exclusive property of Jim's Photos and may not be used or
reproduced in any manner without permission.
Jim's Photos
whatever kind of photography you are interested in, whether it be Portraits,
Sports, School, Concerts, Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays, Family Groups
or Events, Modeling, Holiday, Real Estate, Construction Work,
Trains / Boats, Industrial / Commercial, Advertising, Outdoor, Indoor,
or just about anything you want,
I can do it all!
Download Jim's Photos "Photo Release
Form" here.
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